What is ZENLA Project

First, let’s talk about the name.

ZENLA, stands for ZEro Negations LAnguage.

What means from a spiritual perspective a zero negations language?

Lots of books have been published about the importance of the subcounscious and the uncounscious, AND the fact that the subcounscious  works only with affirmations.

Both this aspects (the subcounscious and the uncounscious) of the energetic structures are of major importance for the human evolution and, especially in these times, as you already know.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for instance, use certain concepts that deal with the brainwaves and the mechanism that govern human behaviour.

But NLP, is only one of the methods that involve energetic structures, invisible for the eye. Many books and movies have been published, about the “Zero Point Awakening” and all the phenomena involved by what is happening regarding Earth’s passage through the Photon Belt and the end of the year 2012. Gregg Braden, is one of the researchers that made available extremly valuable information about this specific subjects. Many other authors, such as Nale Donald Walsh, David Icke, Jasmuheen — just to give some other names — made important efforts to help people understand what is happening at a larger scale, from a cosmic point of view. It is generally accepted now the fact that everything in the Universe is Energy. Thus, what we are dealing with, can be expressed as various frequencies of the Energy, as it is known so far. Every form of existence, every form of Life, essentially, means a certain range of frequencies and this has been proved scientifically already. In spite of all those efforts and extremly valuable contributions to the general awakening process we are witnessing now, it is weird how two fundamental aspects escaped general attention:

1. The message exchange process. Acquiring knowledge and the process of passing the knowledge, essentially can be expressed as a process of messages exchange. In other words, we have a sender and a receiver. It is of a less importance what kind of receiver or sender we have. Now what is important to understand, is the process of communication itself.

After almost two centuries of long distance communications, we have experienced various methods and technologies.

Basically, we used two methods to send and receive messages and information.

The two methods are amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. Basically, it is the same phenomenon, but we percieve it differently, due to our logical thinking. We use to neglect the information we consider to be irrelevant so, when we speak of amplitude modulation, we mean that frequency variations during the energy exchange are at such a low level, that we call “technically neglectable”. What is important for us is the other method, the frequency modulation. Over the years, it proved to bring far more performance than the other method and now, frequency modulation, is so wide sprerad that we barely can imagine our lives without it. Can you imagine yourself without TV, cell-phone, radio, satellites, internet? Well, even if you can, I doubt you would accept to live in a world without communications. Would you?

2. The carrier frequency. Each message that uses for transmission the frequency modulation, uses basically a carrier frequency that is modulated (coded) with the message we need to sent. It is like a truck we load with some merchandise and we send it from one point to another, that is the destination of the truck load. Now, it is obvious that the safety of our transportation depends on the quality of the truck we use, its technical status and so. If the truck gets damaged before reaching its destination, huge delays in delivery might be encountered and extra-costs also will occure. It is the same with the carrier frequency of any message. If the carrier frequency is a low one, it will easily interfere with other frequencies and the original message gets scrambled. The receiver thus, has to be able to decode using an extremly advanced decoding algorythm, to be able to detect the type of distortion, its origins, its possible patterns of interacting with the original signal, and so.

This is where ZENLA Project comes in!

Almost 90% of what we learn, we learn from text messages. Books for instance. Now, probably more than 95% of the human knowledge is stored as text, be it in printed form, or in digital form, as it is the case lately.

Essentially, the most of the information exchange among humans, is under the form of text. Say, Yahoo! Messenger, or Skipe, or MSN, for instance, beyond books. Under such circumstances, it is very strange to me that we still communicate using negations in our language. Do you get my point?

Negations in a message, are the carrier frequency! Maybe you are shocked reading this, but this is the truth! Have you ever wondered why tons of positive-thinking literature bring in so low results? It took me almost two decades of thorough research to find out why. I read hundreds of books. All seemed to be logical, true, “doable” but still, results appear after long periods of hard working. Many people give up after a few years of hard work, becoming enemies of self-development programs and teachings. Why that?

How many $$$ have you spent on such books, obtaining results far beyond your lowest expectations? Well, now you know the reason they produce results only in certain cases. The carrier frequency is negative, thus, the positive message is diminished substantially. Why that? We will discuss that in another article. If you are interested to really improve your life, stay tuned!

BTW: You may check this article for negations, using the search function. IF you find any negation in it, just put a comment pointing to it! 😉 🙂

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About Şerban Stănescu

Infoprenor: Trainer, Manager de proiect, Consilier Dezvoltare Personală, Informatician, scriitor, blogger autorul volumelor "Ritmuri Interioare", "Autodezvoltare, Ocultism, Extrasenzorial", "Casa şi Familia" şi altele. Autorul trainingului "Trăieşte inteligent! Trăieşte SMART!", al seriei de programe de coaching "Radiestezie şi succes".
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2 Responses to What is ZENLA Project

  1. Balazs Bohonyi says:

    There’s a typo error in Neale Donald Walsch’s name – it’s not Nale, it’s Neale.

    • banifarabani says:

      You are right, thanks! But the full name is Neale Donald Walsh. “Walsch” is the german version… 😉

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